Rétt skal vera rétt varšandi Įlfinn

Endalaust hvaš er bullaš um aš brotiš hjį Keano į Įlf Ingi hafi valdiš žvķ aš Alf hafi žurft aš hętta knattspyrnuiškun... hann hętti śt af meišslum į HINNI endurtek hinni löppini Angry

Svo til aš hafa žaš į tęru og leišrétta meira bull ķ žessari frétt žį var Keano aš brjóta į Alf vegna žess aš Alf sakaši hann um aš hafa gert sér upp meišsli og las honum pistilinn žegar Keano meiddist og var frį knattspyrnu ķ nęrri įr ef ég man rétt. Įlfurinn stóš žį yfir honum žar sem Keano lį ķ grasinu sįrkvalinn og jós śr skįlum reiši sinnar og sakaši Keano um aš vera aš žykjast - žaš fauk hraustlega ķ Keano og hann beiš ķ nokkur įr meš aš hefna sķn 


Eftirfarandi er tekiš af heimasķšu Alf Inge  


Tuesday 24th April 2001
Me, Keane and that tackle


Im over in Norway with the national squad at the moment and obviously I've received a lot of attention after Roy Keane's tackle on me in the Manchester derby.

I don't know if there was any intent on his part - I hope there wasn't - but all I can say is that I was lucky not to get injured and it could have been much worse. I've watched it a few times on telly since - it certainly looked nasty and, as our manager said, I was fortunate to have my leg off the floor otherwise we could still be looking for it.


Monday 14th May 2001
Knee injury wasn't caused by Keane

I had the operation on my knee earlier in this week and it went well. In fact, I wouldn't really call it an operation; it was more of a clean-up job on my knee. And I just wanted to make it clear that it was not the knee that took a knock in the Manchester derby, despite what some papers have reported.

It's my left knee that's been bothering me, and it was clearly shown on Sky that it was my right knee that took the knock. Another example of the papers not checking their sources!

It's actually been bothering me for the last three months, but I've played through it as we attempted to avoid relegation. Now that we're down, it seemed like the most sensible thing to do it now, to get it out of the way so I'll be ready in time for pre-season.

While the others have been preparing for the last game, against Chelsea, I've been having treatment every day in an attempt to get some movement back into my leg. After anything like that, it all goes a bit dead, so they're just trying to get the swelling down and get the muscle working again. It's one of those things that just had to be done and, as I say, it seems to be going well so far.



mbl.is Roy Keane: Mér hefši veriš stungiš ķ steininn
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Halldórsson

Venjulega žegar fżkur ķ menn žį róa žeir sig nś į endanum. Ekki Roy Keane, hann var ķ brjįlušu skapi ķ 3-4 įr allt žangaš til aš hann nįši fram "hefndum" vegna smį kjaftbrśks af hįlfu Noršmannsins. Sjśkt? Nei, ekki fyrst žetta var Man Ure leikmašur.

Sjį žessa frįbęru tęklingu hér. Takiš eftir žvķ aš blindur mašur hefši haft meiri vitund um stašsetningu boltans:


Gušmundur Halldórsson, 21.3.2008 kl. 14:22

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